Simplified Issue Group Level Term Life Insurance

The Minnesota Benefit Association sponsored Simplified Issue 10 Year Group Level Term Insurance Plan allows members to apply for up to $150,000* of life insurance coverage on a simplified issue basis by answering an abbreviated set of health questions satisfactory to the insurer. There is a minimum of $50,000 of  life insurance coverage. Download the full brochure here.

The plan provides eligible members and their spouse under age 50 with group level term life insurance coverage up to $150,000. Additionally, you may apply for $10,000 of dependent children coverage.

The Group Level Term Life product, underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, a member of the Voya® family of companies, is affordable term life coverage that is available exclusively to members of the MBA and their families. By planning ahead with the Group Level Term Life Insurance Plan, you can help ensure that your beneficiaries will have the money necessary to help:

  • Continue to provide financial support for your family
  • Pay off any remaining medical bills, funeral costs and debts
  • Invest for income and opportunities in the coming years

Take advantage of the following benefits by applying today:

  • Simplified Issued: there are no medical exams required.
  • Payroll deduction or EFT available as a payment options.
  • It’s portable! If you change jobs, you are able to continue coverage for the term level period at the same premium*.

How to Apply

Applying for coverage is simple. You may apply online:


For more information or to receive a personalized quote, please call Minnesota Benefit Association at 651-735-9874 or email

*Members and their spouse age 50 to 59 can apply for up to $100,000 in coverage.

Group Term Life insurance coverage is provided under the terms of a group life insurance policy, Group Policy #69774-5, issued and delivered in the state of Minnesota to the Minnesota Benefit Association as the policyholder. The group life insurance policy is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The policy is administered on behalf of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company by LeClair Group, an insurance administrator licensed in the state of Minnesota. Policy form LP08GP.

March 2007